I'm back, after getting through a difficult, tough semester I ever had.
A complex and yet released feeling are struggling in my deepest heart. I'm happy because my exam is finally over; however, I'm depressed as worrying over how will my results looks like on the 10th August. Com'on, feel the atmosphere of FREEDOM like nobody else do, and fully utilize my 3 weeks of semester break by doing something I have been wishing and wanting!
Throughout the whole semester (which is approximately 16 weeks), I had been loaded with mountainous of assignments, tests, presentations and EXAM! Stressed, Insomnia and lost appetite are all the symptoms which came knocking at my health door one after one. Fortunately, I'm glad and pleased to be informed that my hard work of assignments has actually paid off handsomely. Hopefully it works out the same way in my exam. Sigh...
2 weeks ago
this semester really torn you apart...
Remember this: nothing comes easily
Yea, I understand that nothing comes easily as we have to work very hard in achieving them.
By the way, thank you for being my great friend and hardworking team mate, Love you *hug*
还有很长的路要走, 也有很多的挑战等着你, 别轻言放弃, 否则对不起自己哦!