Being a good cheer means be happy, or in other words, laughing out loudly.
I used to type out this word C.H.E.E.R.S. However, how it actually shows its effectiveness and cheer me up? I recalled, a friend of mine who once read my blog, She said :"The way you express and the writing of your blog makes me feel cold and blue. Are you alright?" Yeah, I'm doing fine, and i'm trying not letting myself down and sorrow. And yet, blog is the best way for me to express, I told her.
Half an hour ago, another friend asked:"Disappointed? But why?" I was stunned at that moment. Firstly, I do not know from where and when should I start telling Him all the puzzle which was playing on my mind. Secondly, it was months ago since my last chat with that particular friend. Hence, it shocked me when He offered me by lending me a hand in good time. Well, He said this to me, which sounds meaningful and I should refer to it as a brand new chapter of Life. "Trust, based on how you judge the other. Listen to your heart, and start feeling it. When you are ready on trusting him/her, go ahead with no doubt."
Perhaps, I should learn on forgetting the past at times. Oops, it is a MUST instead of SHOULD.
Sorry and forgive me for unable to stay by your side for the time being. I'm tired, exhausted, and enervated. Frankly speaking, I'm starting to lose my interest on knowing any further news related to you. I might forgive, but those lies which carved by you slash by slash is unforgettable.
Hey Sunshine, I'm on my way!!
2 weeks ago
cheer up urself with no doubt!
and may god bless on ur final exam.
Thanks, ting mummie.
Sometimes, we could be in touch with someone else but lost touch with ourselves, and when a certain friend could make u realize it, u'd be shocked, just so u'll know who really understands u and who don't even care about u...
Sometimes i tend to lose my mind, too. Fortunately, there are friends who care and came forward, lending me a hand. By dropping me a few sentences which shocked me after all.
Appreciate for having those friends. =)
Truly agreed that this blog is for you to express your true feeling... Just write anything you want, as long this place can make you comfortable... :)
You are right, Akira.
I've spilled out everything down from my mini stomach and wrapped it up, uploaded it right here. Hehe!