-By Albert Einstein-

If someone feels that they had never made a mistake in their Life, then it means they had never tried a new thing in their Life.

Meaning of Life

Our life, determined by the gasping of air
Our life, is indeed fragile and short
Our life, we manual our destiny
Our life...what is life means?

Eating, Drinking, Playing and Enjoying
Is that what we describe Life after all?
Haven't we done something meaningful?
Turn the angle, you might see life as nothing, nothing

We, everyone is experiencing the Life Cycle
We crawl like a baby
We hang on schooling
We work as if a cow
We nurture our new generation
We spend time touring countries
We wait for the Time to be taken
That's it? The end?

Hectic or Slacking, we choose
Colorful or Dull, we determine
Meaningful or Insignificant, we decide

Somehow, the meaning of Life is yet to be found (to me). I'm sorry for the pathetic post. The idea pops out when I was chatting with my sweetie mummy, and we were so into this topic, we sighed; we joked, and yet we did not conclude our topic well. The question is still exist on my mind, why and what are we living for? And now, you tell me what's yours!

read more “Meaning of Life”

2010年心的蜕变学佛营 --- 寻找一片天空

Firstly, apologize to my readers.
The details for this post will be fully in mandarin version, for those who find it difficult to understand, I'll elaborate here.

Well, this is a 3-days-2-nights Childrens' Camp for the Year of 2010 (11 to 13/6/2010), organized by Penang Triple Wisdom Hall Sunday School, mostly welcome and encouraged for the the children aged 10 to 12 years old, RM40 per head and it is on first-come-first-served basis (for the first 80 participants only). This camp will be taken place at Penang Buddhist Association (Anson Road).

If you are interested, and you're in!
Please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail (jesyca_88@hotmail.com) or leave me a comment regarding this camp... or look for us at Facebook!

Act Fast!!
Best before 7/5/2010 before it's due!!!

宗旨 :灌输基本的佛学知识、提升营员的人格修养、培养营员学习独立的能力,増强自信心。

目的 :灌输正确的学佛观、灌输优良的道德观、鼓励营员自立与自律。

对象 :四年级至六年级学生 (10-12岁)

日期 :11.06.2010 (星期五) 至 13.06. 2010 (星期日)

地点 :槟城佛学院 (168,Jalan Anson, 10400 Penang)

报到时间 :8:00 am – 8:30 am (11.06.2010)

离营时间 :6:30 pm (13.06.2010)

营费 :RM40.00

名额 :只限80名

报名表格索取处:三慧讲堂 / 三慧讲堂周日义校

报名截止日期 :07.05.2010 (星期五) 至额满为止

报名手续 :填妥报名表格及家长同意书后(确实填妥每一个栏位,字迹工整、清晰),连同报名费 交至三慧讲堂 / 三慧讲堂周日义校

衣物 :宽松长裤及有袖t-shirt

自备 : 1.足够替换的衣服(包括一件蓝色t-shirt)、长裤、棉衣、毛巾、拖鞋、运动鞋、衣架1支衣、夹2个、水罐
2.洗刷用品 (牙刷、牙膏、肥皂)
3.卧具 (枕头、被单、草席或睡袋)

药物 :请自备个人所需之药物(如有需要)

学员安全 :主办当局将尽力确保学员的安全,唯不须为任何意外事件负责

询问电话 :012-429 6762 方绥绒老师 (顾问老师)
04 -226 4975 显圣法师 (筹委会主席)
016-451 5824 许文玉老师 (筹委会秘书)

细 则 :1. 严禁携带手机、手表、闹钟或任何贵重物品。
2. 主办当局将不负责营员的财物损失。
3. 不可无故缺席,以免浪费学额。凡缺席者,报名费将不会被退还。
4. 参加者报到后,不得随意离开营地,也不得迟到早退。
5. 本简章若有不尽善之处,主办当局有权增删之。

read more “2010年心的蜕变学佛营 --- 寻找一片天空”

Don't squeeze me!

fortunate for who we are
being protected, under one roof
a friend in need is a friend indeed
the family shelter will not last forever
the one long lasting might be our sincere friends

hitting the age, exposing to the real and yet cold world
experiences shall be gained throughout times
the ambiance naturally is neither friendly nor cool
the backstabbers are those managed to survive
we are taught and shaped in order to strive for own selves

procrastination disease in studies has knocked me down finally
tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow I whispered
endless tomorrow seems to put me right in guilt
different practices amongst has indirectly contributing to obstacles
toleration is the way of how a TEAM is born

"If life gives you lemon, made a lemonade"
true and precise quote indeed, hands on for agreeing
expecting more from the subordinates and yet unwilling to pay extras
demanding, controlling, monitoring and doubting
Hence, I learn, adapt and change the way I used to think

read more “Don't squeeze me!”

Shoo Away

stop it, stop bothering where nonsense thoughts are popping up
shoo them all away!
matters are perceived differently, by the intelligence, the thinkers and the criticizers
communication could be the biggest barriers between the groups
variation of culture practices could either be one of them, too
people comes, people goes
the people whom someone might have been waiting for the entire life
is it their Mr. Right or Ms. Right, they kept wondering days and nights
building bond from a stranger into someone important is neither an easy task nor a 1-day-task
'happily forever' has became the dream where everyone after it
those achievers can be numerical counted when 'how many' question arises
reality as cruel and bloody is indeed the unchangeable fact
for you and I, we can hardly deny the fact although we hoped it is not
understanding, keeping the pace a step closer could be the efficient step that should be considered
listening are far away more important than merely hearing - "I am hearing but I might not listening"
pounding heart, moving motions, sensitive intuition are all working fine
self-questioning continuously but without a clear outcome
for the reason why the teary heart isn't working fine

read more “Shoo Away”