-By Albert Einstein-

If someone feels that they had never made a mistake in their Life, then it means they had never tried a new thing in their Life.

21st Birthday Blast

Well well well....turning into 21st officially, and I own my freedom! =)
Let the photos speak for the blast...

#1 Myself
(p.s.: the camera is not a gift)

#2 A gift from Mummy

#3 Thanks for The Memories (Hard Cover) by Cecelia Ahern
A gift from Akira

#4 Birthday card from College course-mates
(Adorable ain't it?)

#5 A dress by course-mates =)

#6 Chocolate from Fern
(she specially bought it from Langkawi)

#7 Birthday cake
(yes, gum gum and dum dum...
it's my bestie Kuen Mun, she's gum gum, so pick a guess who's dum dum then)

#8 Watch from my dear =)
(The 1st birthday pressie that I received on this year)

#9 Making a wish (probably wishes... Nah! How greedy am i!)

#10 Birthday celebration with Chia Mei and Fern at Nando's

#11 Ambushed birthday blast at my house from GTMers when the clock stroked sharp 12am on 14th Dec

#12 From GTMers as well...

#13 Loving this (thanks to Benny and all for the decoration)

#14 Jeng Jeng Jeng~~~ Pressie from Brother who couriered them from Sabah
(Tuesday with Morrie by Mitch Albom, it will be an interesting book)

#15 Finally...My new look!!!
(I'm waiting for a few weeks' time for my curl to look more natural and nice,
I mean after washing them for a few weeks,
as I don't really like the current curl tho 'coz it's too 'wild' for me Haha!!)

Thank you everyone for sending in all the birthday wishes via SMS, phone calls, Facebook wishes as well as the birthday blast celebration. Appreciate it much! ^^v

Merry X'mas and Happy New Year!

4 colorful drop(s):